Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Great Door Knob Survey

I am fortunate to be married to such a handy guy. Not only handy, but methodical. These two qualities are lovely in a spouse when the two of you own an old house.

The other night Nick was going around the house with a pad of paper, pen in hand, evaluating our door knob situation. Who knew we even had a door knob situation? Nick was concerned that some doors didn't close; others only had mismatched knobs; and that the door to our guest room - if closed - could not be opened from the inside.* (This, of course, is not very hospitable to our guest... but a tricky way for us to keep our guests visiting longer.)

The next night, Nick asked me in a very concerned voice "Did you take the door knob survey?" Door knob survey? I quickly envisioned a door knob survey:

Please rate how you like the following door knobs. Circle the appropriate number next to each knob.
5: I always like the doorknob
4: I mostly like the doorknob
3: I like the doorknob
2: I sometimes like the doorknob
1: I never like the doorknob

Downstairs Bathroom doorknob: 5 4 3 2 1 n/a
Upstairs Bathroom doorknob: 5 4 3 2 1 n/a
Bedroom doorknob: 5 4 3 2 1 n/a
Guest Room doorknob: 5 4 3 2 1 n/a

Well, you get the idea. I got very excited and wanted to take such a survey (anything to make bedrest more exciting). However, upon further explanation - Nick did not create an actual survey for his spouse to take - he was referring the list he made, evaluating the doorknobs. Drats.

But the project is keeping him busy. After trial and error with a few Home Depot knobs, we've realized that only porcelain knobs (see picture above) will do. Sadly, they are about $56 more than the $3 knobs from Home Depot.

So, if anyone has come across any old white porcelain knobs in their attics, we'd be very interested in taking them off your hands.

*Amy Cooper came to visit this summer and got locked in her room. Crafty Amy used her credit card to "break out" of said guest room.


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