Look what we got in the mail
Sometimes you get annoying things in the mail, like bills. Sometimes, you get stupid things in the mail, like "Pet Product World" catalogues.
And sometimes, you get the craziest things - and you just have to share them with your blog-readers.
This week, we got the above pictured postcard addressed to the former resident of our house. He hasn't lived in the place for at least 2 years.
So, for over two years, Richard Kennedy's Taxidermy Studio has been holding onto Drew's stuffed coyote.
This card raises certain questions:
Like is it only one coyote OR since the card says "Your coyote have been done..." is it more than one coyote?
Where did Mr. Slimmer find the coyote to be "done"?
How long does it take to "do" a coyote?
What do you think was done to aforementioned coyote?
And, wouldn't you think it would be called a Taxidermy shop, instead of a studio?
Anyway, we thought the house had an interesting 19th century history. Who knew that it would have such colorful 21st century residents?